
If you’re here, it means that you’re an experienced bettor who wants to get to the next level. Therefore, our team is excited to welcome you to our Advanced articles in BetBrain’s Betting Academy. Join us in your betting journey and get your betting game to the next level in no time!

Introduction to Advanced Betting

Welcome to the Advance section of BetBrain’s Betting Academy. We imagine that while you’re here, you already went through the Beginner’s Guide available in our Academy or you’re just an experienced bettor looking to get even better.

No matter the case, we are here to help. As we mentioned numerous times in our community, betting is very reliant on thorough analysis, well-built data and experience. Thus, the articles available in this section are the thing to get you to the next level when it comes to betting. 

There are many punters who may prefer not to go professional, and that’s perfectly fine. However, if you’d really like to go to that next level, you need to get through these lessons.

On top of that, our team has written all the articles in the Advanced section in a manner that will allow you to read them at your own pace and discover new things and strategies naturally, and in a fast time.

Going to the next level when it comes to betting will allow you to discover countless new strategies, ways to better analyse your favourite sports events and many other advantages.

Thus, if you are already a seasoned bettor for competitions such as the UEFA Champions League, NBA, or NFL, you should definitely check out the Advanced articles if you’re looking to get to the next level.

Exploring Advanced Betting

The range of Advanced Betting articles is wide enough to answer all the questions you might have on the process of getting to the next level with your predictions. 

Therefore, for a better perspective, we should take a quick look at the articles and the main topics you can find here. 

Betting Strategies

One of the most overlooked concepts in betting is the strategies. Over the course of many years, there have been quite a few geniuses when it comes to this industry that have found strategies, specifically built to help your betting game.

While not every strategy has a background in betting, the math used can certainly be used in this industry, as it can surely get you to a whole new level. 

Therefore, these are the betting strategies that our team has talked about in the Advanced Betting section of our Betting Academy:

  • Martingale Strategy

  • D’Alembert Strategy

  • Paroli Strategy

  • Fibonacci Strategy

  • 1-3-2-6 Strategy

  • Labouchere Strategy

  • Kelly Strategy

All these strategies were determined by professionals, and our team is here to help you and explain them to you as easily as possible. With the help of these articles, you will start using these betting strategies in no time!

Accountancy in Betting

On the other hand, for a professional bettor, accountancy is detrimental. It’s imperative that you have a good perspective on your budget and that you are aware of the particularities in betting. 

In our articles, we talk about very important factors such as ROI and Yield accountancy, as well as other great topics such as Betting Sheets, How Much to Bet, or Betting Stats Websites.

Thus, don’t hesitate to give these articles a shot if you’d like to explore some very helpful topics. 

Betting on Football

We mentioned numerous times that the Betting Academy is addressing all bettors, regardless of their favourite sport. However, there’s a big chance that the majority of punters looking to improve their betting game have football as their favourite sport.

Therefore, our team has written numerous articles in which you can find the particularities of betting on:

  • Corners

  • Fouls

  • Offsides

  • Cards

  • Correct Score

Don’t worry; if football is not your piece of cake, you will be able to find articles to help you out as well. On top of that, some of these articles can also work for other sports. 

Help for Experienced Punters

If you have already gone through all the Beginner’s Guide articles, congratulations. This means that you are on your path to be an experienced bettor very soon.

On top of that, if you’re already seasoned in this industry and you’re only checking these articles for a better perspective, this is your place to be.

Besides all the help written by our team, there are many more advantages to benefit from on BetBrain.

If you’re looking for a truly prosperous betting community, BetBrain is one to be proud of. Our users are constantly providing you with countless free betting tips, where you can discover new betting markets or check out a second opinion on a specific event.

Besides, our team is also helping you out. The experts are ready to provide you with numerous predictions in our  Match Previews, where you’ll witness a professional working first hand. 

However, the advantages don’t stop here. The AI Slip Generator tool will build bets for you, no matter your preferences. On top of that, the odds for these bets will have the biggest value available on the market, thanks to our odds comparison tool.

This tool checks and compares odds from countless bookmakers all over the world in order to ensure that your bets will be as profitable as they can get. 

Last but not least, don’t forget to check out the offers and bonuses available on our dedicated section. This way, you won’t miss a beat when it comes to betting opportunities. 

All things considered, BetBrain will act as your perfect betting companion, Therefore, join us and start benefiting from our Advanced articles and from the other numerous advantages available on our website.